6 Tips to Baby-Proof Your Home

Keep the Babies Safe
Whether you are expecting to add a little one to your family, entertain guests with small children, or are a grandparent, it’s wise to baby-proof your home. It helps either put you or your guests at ease. Here are six baby-proofing tips that will help protect you or your guest’s little ones from harm.
- Latched Cabinets: Make sure cupboards have hardware installed on them that latches securely to help prevent small children from gaining access to cleaners or other harmful substances. It is also wise to store cleaning supplies high up and out of reach of kiddos. Keep all potentially dangerous products hidden away in their original containers with the safety seal intact until needed if possible.
- Plastic Outlet Covers: These are great for the little hands that tend to find everything, including electricity. Make sure to check wall outlets often. Babies can pop out covers with time while playing, which is why it’s wise to install them in every room.
- Tie Curtains Away: This helps prevent little ones from getting tangled in the curtains and prevents them from falling. Also, tie back power cords to avoid falls, entanglement, or strangulation.
- Baby-Free Zones: It may not be practical to baby-proof every inch of your house, making certain zones baby-free by using gates. Sturdy, simple, pressure-mounted gates will protect specific passages and prevent you from making any permanent holes in your wall. Alternately, use doorknob covers to make even unlocked rooms less prone to an infant invasion.
- Get Down and Look Around: A baby will put anything in its mouth. That will include choking hazards, dropped medications, or stray chemicals such as rat poison or cleaners. Shift your perspective to the floor and look for anything suspicious.
- It’s All in the Details: Pay close attention to your home decor if you have any small pieces or sharp edges. Pointy chairs can cause scratches or punctures, and wall hangings are also potentially unsafe. Just remember that anything around the house could possibly harm a crawling baby.
Looking at things from a child’s perspective is critical. If you have magnets on your refrigerator, move them up out of the child’s reach or take them off your fridge and tuck them away. Kids love sticking things in their mouth. In the bathroom, install toilet locks to keep the toilet lid closed so that there is no chance for kids to fall headfirst in when they are curious. Some homes are more kid-friendly than others. If you’re looking for a perfect home for little ones, I can help you find one today!